Au revoir fellow wife

It’s that time again,
Another farewell,
My heart is sad,
But I know the drill well. 

Removal trucks rumble down the street,
Friends pack up their homes,
New adventures they seek. 

Ovens are scrubbed,
Garish curtains rehung,
Walls washed, holes filled,
Nothing to be billed. 

The March Out is done,
A new home awaits,
No longer will they be here for coffee and cake. 

Our children lose their play dates,
Ask where their friends have gone.
To young to understand what it means to move home. 

The Army has told them,
it’s time to move on,
with a clatter of doors the trucks are gone.

On this carousel that is Army life,
So long to you,
fellow Military wife.

The houses stand empty,
tears roll down our cheeks.
It never gets easier to lose the friends we meet. 

My Random Musings
My Random Musings

19 thoughts on “Au revoir fellow wife

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  1. You summed this up so well! Beautiful! It must be upsetting to have to keep moving away from friends all the time. Good luck in your new place
    Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is so sad. I move a lot too, this latest move has lasted 2 years and I’m only just starting to settle and make meaningful friends … but I know it won’t last, sooner or later we’ll move again. This time will be hard.

    Liked by 1 person

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