I Me, Zoe #allaboutme

I blog a lot about parenting and the kids and all things family related right down to home decor, and although I do blog about myself a recent post on twitter from Meannibee means I’m joining in on a fun (slightly rambling) little post that lists 10 things about me (that you may or may not know) this is a lighthearted post, and the kind of thing nosey ol’ me loves reading about other bloggers! I will nominate a few others at the bottom, but please feel free to join in even if you’re not tagged. 

1) I spent a few years of my childhood in France. 

My mother dragged me over there after receiving compo from a car crash which enabled her to buy a load of woodland. We lived in a little prefab cottage in Britanny. We had a wood burning fire as our only heat source, and although I have some happy memories from France, and I love that I speak French like a native, I doubt I’ll ever go back there. At least not to Britanny. 

2) I am not a morning person. 

Ever. Even after a great nights sleep. Hubby knows that if he says good morning before bringing me a cup of tea, then it will be met met with “fuck you, where’s my tea”. When hubby is away I have to set an alarm to ensure I am up and have a cuppa before the kids are up. I also have a pretty epic temper. I hate it. It is getting better since I started CBT but there are days where I really don’t like me. 

3)I don’t have a Degree.

 I’ve had some great jobs, but I have not yet got round to studying for a degree. Mainly because I’m still not sure what I want to do (it’s ok, I’m only 29 (just) I’m not an adult yet- right? 

4) I’m pretty accident prone.

I’ve had some major incidents as well as some pretty serious illnesses. Notably a brain tumour that was partially removed in 2010. I still have a bit of it in my brain (as it’s inoperable) but it hasn’t killed me yet, so I’ll call that a win. I’ll never forget Mike’s speech on our wedding day. He was telling people how we started dating just after my op- and that having part of my brain removed probably explains why I asked him out! 
 I’ve also had an ovary removed thanks to a 1/2 kilo cyst. I’ve severed the artery in my wrist in a play fight, I’ve been knocked unconscious a fair few times, and I’ve also dislocated my shoulder a couple of times. (Last time it happened I was at a bike race with hubby so I just asked paramedics to pop it back in and refused hospital treatment!). 

5) I don’t like toddlers. 

Like really don’t like them. Obviously I love my own children and do my absolute best to keep the toddler happy, interested, creative and curious with all kinds of Montessori based play and baking and walks but I find toddlers such a chore. Give me a teeny tiny squish any day. Just not a toddler. 

6)I’m a military wife. 

This comes with phenomenal highs and black hole-esque lows. Some years hubby is away more than he’s home. We move house a lot, and we’ve met some amazing people along the way. Being a MiL wife has taught me to be more accepting of others. You meet people from all walks of life, and I can be a bit of a snob but I have learnt to give people more of a chance. It can be a lonely world for a stuck up bitch. Although I do still trust my initial instinct and there are people that I’ve met that I’ve taken an Instant dislike to. Usually the feeling is mutual though, so I’ll live with that!

I do my best to support hubby with his career and his cycling. I am acutely aware that poor behaviour from me can have a negative affect on his career. We’ve had a few hiccoughs along the way whilst I find my feet, but mostly now I’m a model Stepford wife (ha ha ha-ok you can stop laughing now) and send hubby to work with home baked cakes and stuff. (Seriously. Stop laughing!) 

7) I have some fantastic friends

 My oldest friend is Leah. Barring some acquaintances from school, she’s the only person I have known longer than I’ve known my husband. We have been through so many amazing times together (and some epic lows) We’ve watched each other fall in love, shared excitement over pee soaked sticks. Oood and ahhd over each other’s engagement rings and nursed each other through some monstrous hangovers. We’ve stood by each other’s side at weddings and held each other through grief. She nursed me through my recovery from my brain tumour op with some awesome days out in Birmingham city centre and we could probably buy shares in Krispy Kremes.

We don’t get to see each other as often as we’d like. (Life gets in the way) but we speak to each other daily, either on twitter, Instagram Pinterest or email (or a combination of all of the above!) and the world would be a pretty empty place without her. *sniff* 

8) I love cooking and baking. 

My prestation skills still need a lot of work, but the flavours are awesome. I rarely follow recipes properly I tend to adapt them in some way or another to suit my tastes. I’m really not very artistic at all (seriously. I can’t even draw a stick man!) so I’m in awe of people that can do arty things, or play instruments. I did sing in a choir when I was younger and had a few solo parts in school productions. I can also belt out a tune or 5 in the car. (Sorry kids!) 

9) I hate noise. 

I’m partially deaf and find noise utterly overwhelming. I often get really upset when it is noisy, and I’m forever telling people to “turn that down” 

10) I’m a bit of a clean freak when it comes to the house.

 Initially driven by anxiety but now just by ridiculous standards. I get really upset when I fall behind with the cleaning- however cleaning the patio doors is one thing I’ve given up on with 2 little people in the house!  

Now it’s your turn to big up your bad selves!

1. Share 10 things about you the person. Not you the parent, the baker or the business.
2. Name check the person who nominated you.
3. Tag 3- 5 others to share 10 things.
4. Enjoy the tidbits of information we all learn about each other.
5. Voila, job done.
The fellow ‘enthusiasts of the personal knowledge of others’ (or team nosey) I am going to tag are…..
Martyn InsideMartyn’s thoughts

Daddy poppins
Laura Life with baby

Richard Mackay Amused

And @Tashlula because she new to blogging and I’m nosey 😉 

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